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  • Advice?

    Just so you know im 15 and in high school. Anyways, theres this guy in a few of my classes. Ive known him a bit for quite a few years, i was on his soccer team like 4 years ago and he used to be friendly to me. But this year he acts like an asshole to me, like really an asshole. Im not sure if he wants to fight me or what, but hes made threats over trivial things, like when we were in shop today, he said hed "fucking kill" me if i touched the box that holds screws. I havent done anything to provoke him the whole year, i havent even really talked to him, so im kind of confused. Do you guys have any advice for what i should do? Ive thought about confronting him the next time he threatens me, and kicking his ass if he keeps it up, but i dont really want to(besides im not sure if id win). BTW hes about my size, maybe a few pounds heavier, hes a little bit wider. So do you have any suggestions how to deescalate these threats or any just general advice?

  • #2
    Originally posted by shirase
    So do you have any suggestions how to deescalate these threats or any just general advice?
    Just ignore him and try not to cross paths with him too often. All young guys go through a phase like that. Eventually he'll mouth off to the wrong person and get stomped, but it's best to avoid a conflict as much as possible.


    • #3
      Most people who say stuff like that are the ones who never do anything. It's the silent ones (who often are on the receiving end of things) that don't respond back who often go to the extremes.

      Just remember though, when in a confrontation, always swing while the other guy is telling you how he's gonna kick your @$$ (if you really think it will turn into a serious fight).


      • #4
        You said you guys used to be pleasant. Privately ask him whats going on. Maybe its a misunderstanding. Maybe he does want to fight you, and if that's the case take him out. There's no reason to act like hes already beat you into submission, when you havent even called him out. At 15yrs old your body is all cartilidge, what usually happens is a fat lip and a bloody nose. Dont talk crap about him behind his back or try and start stuff. Be the better person. It doesnt matter whether you can whoop him or not, you have to stand up for yourself. If you have no other option, then you might have to go physical. First I would try and use intelligence and humor, and talk it out. You've known eachother for 25% of your life, at least you can ask him whats up.


        • #5
          ya, im trying to just avoid conflict and shrug it off. BTW i dont really know him that well we were just one a soccer team once and we were cool with each other. He didnt go to any of my schools or anything else. Im not really that close so I think that if I asked him what his problem was privately hed or publicly it probably wouldnt achieve anything. Oh well, he doesnt insult me that often, so Ill try to ride it out. However, lately hes been doing it more, so I think he seriously is out to get me or something, its kind of strange. He doesnt act like that to any other guys, many of who seem like better bullying material. This guy seems to have a blown-up ego, he always acts like he owns the room whenever hes doing anything. Im beginning to think that he bullies me because he thinks im a "threat" to his ego or something. Alot of this is speculation though, so Ill just try to not make a big deal out of it for now.


          • #6
            Threats are nothing more than words that are used in an attempt to instill fear in you and to psyche you into believing you are weaker. Ignore them.
            If he makes a move on you, then go at him and stay on him until he screams for his mommy.

            It's been my experience that most threats are never backed up with action.
            Ignore the words, if he gets in your space and you feel threatened, don't be the nice guy and let him make the first move. Just hit him.


            • #7
              Did you know, that the person who throws the first punch, first kick, first head but Etc has just lost the argument and any respect of those around. Engage the brain please.


              • #8
                I agree that a fight avoided is a fight won, but there will always be situations where a certain amount of violence will be needed to end an altercation.
                Once it gets to that point, the person who can put their opponent into a defensive position and keep them there, is more likely to win the fight.


                • #9
                  This isn't an altercation mate. It's just words, and all this crap about getting in someone's space is also rubbish. No one has any personal 'space'. Space is all around us, it's part of the world we live in, it is neither yours nor mine, particularly if the person is in a public place. If you want "personal space" go to your own bedroom.

