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Hypothetical question

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  • Hypothetical question

    I heard this story and would like to know what you guys would do in this situation.

    A man had his son chased home by a gang of teenage kids. He went out to defend his son. The kids started getting in his face telling him that they were 16yrs old, and that if he hit them, he would go to prison for striking a minor. The kids were very adamant about letting him know their age. None of the kids were 18yrs old, or older. The kids were very aggressive, and started pushing him around. He was practically surrounded as there were about 10 or so kids, so he couldnt just turn around and walk away. He stood his ground. Also, this was not the type of neighborhood where the cops would be to his rescue in seconds. So, What would you do in this situation?

  • #2
    Either try to de-escalate as much as possible while being firm or if it started to turn ugly I'd start roughing them up. Juveniles or no, they're surrounding me and in a threatening manner so I'll rough them up now and deal with the court system later.


    • #3
      I believe that in the public school system, if a student hits/endangers a teacher, the teacher is allowed to hit back with a little bit extra force to diarm/disengage the student. I believe this rule may apply to this situation as well.

      Be intimidating and use force only if necessary.


      • #4
        I had something like this happen to me.

        Some kids stole somethings out of my car, I caught up with a friend of these others kids and told them that when I caught the others, I'd get my moneys worth out of them for the stuff they took.

        I was promptly informed that I couldn't do this because I was an adult.
        I said "so"
        and the kid said, "you'll go to jail"

        I simply said, well that's my problem, it's not going to help your friend.

        Then I explain actions and consquences and assured this kid that I was willing to face the consquences of my actions.

        I had my stuff back in 30 minutes.

        There is a big difference between what you might end up in court over and what you can do.

        being a juvenile doesn't allow you to attack someone, it is still assault and the person has a right to defend themselves.


        • #5
          i'd **** each and everyone on of those kids up..


          • #6
            If it is TEN damn 16 year-olds or so, that's enough to be a legit threat, so you, and especially if they are threatening your family. Plus they could be armed for all you know. I'd do like koto-ryu said, try to de-escalate the situation as much as possible, but otherwise rough some of them up if necessary.

            And if they're too big or too many, go hide in the house.

            I heard something liek this happened recently though with one kid whose uncle was like in a gang or something, and this kid broke the windows of this one man's house and everything, and constnatly threatened his family, but told him if he did anything to the kid, he'd be in serious trouble because his uncle would get the gang on him. The guy tried with the police and all that but they didn't want to hear it after a while, and stopped providing any aid.

            In the end, the guy shot the kid. He was from the military, from the recent Iraq War I believe. I think there was a big national stink over it, not sure.

            My cousin, who is a totally stupid brat came into this situation too with some little kid who kept throwing rocks and gravel at her; he never said it to her, but he was being a brat one time to another friend I know (who told the kid to get lost), and the kid had said, "You know, IF you ever really hurt me, I know someone who could come and hurt you really bad." Anyhow, he made a mistake with my cousin, as she was one of those real roughneck kids, and she was 16 or 17 at the time, so she grabbed a big pile of gravel and POW! right into the kid. So of course "WAAA!! Why'd you hurt me!?" "Because I #$%#$ told you to stop $$##@^&^%$@# throwing rocks at me!!" Best justice I ever saw (the kid wasn't injured badly or anything, just had a taste of his own medicine ).


            • #7
              Oh yeah, and the national stink on this guy shooting this kid was in favor of the guy I believe, since the full story came out; people were saying you can't train a person to go to war and kill, then come back to civilian life and go through all that and constantly be threatened like that by such a brat, and not in the end turn to violent action; the kid drove the guy nuts.


              • #8
                Happens to me all the time. Im my job as a lunchtime supervisor, i regularly have to stop gangs of kids, or some of the "problem children" cause a problem. I ve become immune to every insult that there is.

                Recently, one of the kids was annoyed at me, and to get attention probably, he flicked my face, and then slapped me. Now i could have just got him in an armlock easily, but my habds are tied metaphirically, i can not touch this kid. If i even defended myself and blocked his stupid slap then he would claim to be injured and id get fired. So i was stuck. In the end i got him put on curfew at lunchtimes.

                If i were in the situation, id try and pacify the group, and if that didnt work, be very threatening and say something on the lines of, even if i only get one, who will it be? Plus id take my belt off, as my belt makes an exellent weapon, as its a studded one and looks very threatening, Ok id be VERY reluctant to use it but its a very threatening belt.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by SamTheMan
                  Happens to me all the time. Im my job as a lunchtime supervisor, i regularly have to stop gangs of kids, or some of the "problem children" cause a problem. I ve become immune to every insult that there is.

                  Recently, one of the kids was annoyed at me, and to get attention probably, he flicked my face, and then slapped me. Now i could have just got him in an armlock easily, but my habds are tied metaphirically, i can not touch this kid. If i even defended myself and blocked his stupid slap then he would claim to be injured and id get fired. So i was stuck. In the end i got him put on curfew at lunchtimes.

                  If i were in the situation, id try and pacify the group, and if that didnt work, be very threatening and say something on the lines of, even if i only get one, who will it be? Plus id take my belt off, as my belt makes an exellent weapon, as its a studded one and looks very threatening, Ok id be VERY reluctant to use it but its a very threatening belt.
                  Sounds alright up until the belt point. Attempting to pacify the group and then, if that fails, appearing threatening would probably help. The belt could be taken as a serious threat, and there are probably laws against beating children or threatening to. Besides...your pants might fall down.


                  • #10
                    u know, a similar situation happened over here were i live. an older man confronted a group of teens who were vandalizing some of his property. sadly, the situation escalated and the kids ended up beating the man to death. this kind of situation really is like any other, u are in danger and u are being confronted my multiple people. either run away or put up ur fists, cause it could be your life, as in the case of the man who was beaten to death by juveniles. juveniles can be pretty dangerous, especially since alot of them want to prove they are tough despite their age or size.

