One of my favorite methods of meditation would definately be the "iron cross", u take two 5lbs dumb bells, one in each hand and hold your arms out straight for as long u can. Even the toughest guys wills feel a nice bit of strain. The thing is you have to use your mind to push your body to do this. Almost all people can physically do this it's only a matter of can u make your body do it. The more u do the holds the better you can take pain and push your body to its limits. What kind of training do u use to help push your limits, mentally.
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Training you mind through physical strain.
The best exercise is the activity itself. To develop kicks; do thousands of kicks at a time...........To develop thousands of punches at a time...........Same for throws, takedowns, etc. etc. Everything else is just secondary training.
Well yeah, to an extent, but there are just some portions of strength that no amount of throwing will fully develop correctly; for example, if you do hundreds of throws with a weak lower back, you'll probably get lower back problems later in life. The human body was stupidly designed with a weak lower back for this heavy upper-body we have, so first you should get a strong lower back and strong abs first.
Doing thousands of reps is more for technique and ability, but for solid strength so your body doesn't start to break down on you, you need separate training focuses solely on strength.
The human body was stupidly designed with a weak lower back for this heavy upper-body we have
The body was designed as a miracle. It is made for working and can do just about anything possible. The problem with peoples bodies today, is that they do not do as much work as the body was designed for. The body was designed out of necessity, to work hard for long periods of time with little food or water, outside in the elements. There is nothing weak about a healthy human body. A weak back in a healthy person, may mean that they have not found their center.
Look at gymnists. They dont need weights, because they train with their body all the time.
This is the real iron cross.
Yes, the body IS a miracle, but it IS poorly designed in certain areas.
Take the human eyeball. A fascinating thing, but then you compare the human eyeball to that of a bird I believe it is, which has far better sight. Technically, the human eye ball should allow the human to have far better vision, but because of the way some nerve or something is placed in the human eye, how it is attached at the back, it prevents this and creates a blind spot. Everyone has a literal blind spot in their eyeball, in your ordinary field of vision. The reason it is invisible is because your brain simply "fills it in" with what it "thinks" should be there. But technically a small part of what you see isn't really there. It is filled in by your brain. On the bird, however, these problems are fixed simply because of how the nerve is placed on their eyes, thus allowing for far better vision.
Now take the human foot. This thing is awfully designed, especially since humans are born runners, it appears. The human foot is very poorly designed for maneuvering us around over terrain and the likes. Many people even have more bones in one foot then another, because of how feet grow.
The lower back in humans is weaker than it should be. True, if you strengthen your core, you will be fine, but in the long run, people usually develop back problems.
But yeah, the human body still is very incredible with how it works and functions. It is a machine, just an increibly complicated one.
Very good points.
With the blind spot..that is true. However, both eyes working together creates complete vision. So what you see, is actually there, unless you only have one eye. But yeah, compared to most birds, we are much worse off.
Thank you for your insite. Good discussion.
Originally posted by HtTKarVery good points.
With the blind spot..that is true. However, both eyes working together creates complete vision. So what you see, is actually there, unless you only have one eye. But yeah, compared to most birds, we are much worse off.
Thank you for your insite. Good discussion.