Anybody else look completely innocent and incapable of any harm to others? I'm somewhat (read: very much) of a pretty boy. I wear matching clothes, nice cologne, shiny leather shoes, drive a 2-seater sports car, keep my nails, hair, skin and clothes clean and matching. I'm 5'9" and weigh anywhere from 135-140lbs depending on the time of year (when I take my *off-season* for training.)
My friends and I do little almost "Fight Club" type of things every once in a while in which we just go and have a little fun fighting other groups of people who think they're badass. Most of my friends are TMA people. One does Shotokan, another does TKD, I do TKD/Muay thai and another boxes.
Most of the people that show up don't think I have much to offer... long story short this is what happened at one of these little meetings:

Sorry it's a little blurry, taken at night. Crescent kick to the guy's face, he didn't take me too seriously. In fact he kind of laughed at me from the beginning because I was so small framed.
My friends and I do little almost "Fight Club" type of things every once in a while in which we just go and have a little fun fighting other groups of people who think they're badass. Most of my friends are TMA people. One does Shotokan, another does TKD, I do TKD/Muay thai and another boxes.
Most of the people that show up don't think I have much to offer... long story short this is what happened at one of these little meetings:

Sorry it's a little blurry, taken at night. Crescent kick to the guy's face, he didn't take me too seriously. In fact he kind of laughed at me from the beginning because I was so small framed.