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how would you handle this situation?

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  • #2
    Any boxer, muaythai, or bjj guy like to give your take on how you would handle such a skilled street fighter? (if theres such a thing as a "skilled street fighter" Afterall, wouldnt this be the kind of typical street situation that really puts one's art/training to the test?!
    Id say it takes at least an intermediate level ma guy to take him on. Most ordinary ma guys would probably be bashed up by a mean street dude like that, and then wonder what went wrong with all those training!

    P/S: the black guy looks a pretty good all-rounder?..punching, clinching, ground..crude but maybe with some training, he has potential as a mma competitor?! lol


    • #3
      the one who initiated the fight...what kinda swing was THAT?!

      well to start off, I'd get close enough to actually reach him, and then do something besides flail an arm at him.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Oreomeister365
        the one who initiated the fight...what kinda swing was THAT?!

        well to start off, I'd get close enough to actually reach him, and then do something besides flail an arm at him.
        That my friend, is the all-time classic Single Windmill Punch, it has no focus, no power, no purpose..


        • #5
          Originally posted by randi
          That my friend, is the all-time classic Single Windmill Punch, it has no focus, no power, no purpose..
          Fight fire with fire. Ground and pound him. Use Judo or BJJ techniques and maybe strangle him.


          • #6
            Originally posted by randi
            That my friend, is the all-time classic Single Windmill Punch, it has no focus, no power, no purpose..
            Fight fire with fire. Ground and pound him. Use Judo or BJJ techniques and maybe strangle him.


            • #7
              Yeah...could that first punch have been anymore predictable? He just screamed HIT ME, PLEASE I WANT YOU TO.

              I can't give you an answer as to what I would do because I would never start of a fight like that! BUT - if someone was to come at me like the black kid did then there are a ton of things you can do - starting off with not being there!! He punched pretty close in didn't throw too many from way outside so personally I like to lock people up on themselves maybe a nice Pon, Pon, Pon, Chaat combo. I don't know...I'd have to be there and just do what came natural.


              • #8
                I would use the force. That's right. A billion kilowatts of electricity protruding from my fingers like heat seeking missiles. Who's laughing now tough guy????


                • #9
                  Originally posted by HandtoHand
                  Am I the only one who noticed that the black kid had an opportunity to choke out the white kid but wailed about his head instead?
                  I noticed it also. A fighter with any kind of grappling form could have yanked that black kid over and gained a brutal conteol over him. returning equal punishment and possibly either choking or strangling the black kid unconcious.


                  • #10
                    best thing to handle this situation if he is what you call a awsome street fighter is anylise his moves create a distraction if you hurt him you will just piss him off. its best to be patient and have cantrol over anger just wait untill he goes for you when he gets close trying other things like kicking or punching is just not a basic power you need to use things above basic not things anywhere near basic out there my freind you need to use things that are complicated so that when he strives for a punch he will get confused and and you can take hime down in the most complicated way take it slow and dont ever take it fast move you speed up slowly at first and then attack in a most unrevealing way.


                    • #11
                      I couldnt even see the video. Said "Error 404atei nicht gefunden!

                      Das angegebene Dokument konnte auf diesem Server leider nicht gefunden werden." ... Anyone have another link so I can see it please?

