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Can Courage be taught or cultivated?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by GQchris View Post
    When I think about Courage, I think about Love, I think about God's love for Man when he gave it all up and became a Man and suffered and died on the Cross.


    • #17
      The precise view of what constitutes courage not only varies among cultures, but among individuals. For instance, some define courage as lacking fear in a situation that would normally generate it. Others, in contrast, hold that courage requires one to have fear and then overcome it.

      There are also more subtle distinctions in the definition of courage. For example, some distinguish between courage and foolhardiness in that a courageous person overcomes a justifiable fear for an even more noble purpose. If the fear is not justifiable or if the purpose is not noble, then the courage is either false or foolhardy.

      Moral courage, more than physical courage, is widely debated. It is frequently regarded as courage in following one's own ethics which may result in the individual feeling isolated from colleagues, or even family. Also moral courage is facing shame, scandal, prejudice or even discouragement and defeating it.



      • #18
        Originally posted by Sensei Saki View Post
        Where can I get your ass in the ring or in a combat zone no compairson between the two btw and you will find out the only difference between a hero and a coward is not the fact you are afraid but what you do with it got that from some boxing thingguy on tv real life example seeread> black hawk down?
        Oh, how I miss Sensei Saki. She so cray-zay.

        Me, most of my courage comes from liquid supplements.


        • #19
          If it couldn't be taught or cultivated, the Spartans were all wrong.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Tant01 View Post
            Not dogma, just God's love for Man, I condemned no one.


            • #21

              Originally posted by GQchris View Post
              Not dogma, just God's love for Man, I condemned no one.
              PM inbound...

              Lets keep the thread on topic, eh? You can start your own thread on religious courage if you like...


              • #22
                Did anyone notice that this thread was started in 2005?


                • #23
                  Holy CRAP!

                  Originally posted by Hardball View Post
                  Did anyone notice that this thread was started in 2005?

                  LMAO.... OMG dude! (NO) That's damn funny though! We get around to it in good time, eh?

                  Have we been here THAT long... ? LOL


                  But funny!!!

                  I should have had a clue with that old cyber bot on the thread...

                  Last edited by Tant01; 03-01-2008, 08:11 PM. Reason: Saki sensi


                  • #24
                    On the subject of courage, I think that it can be analyzed well by first looking at its opposite: Cowardice. What makes a coward? I would say that a coward is someone who is driven by fear. They will not stand for fear their head will be cut off; they will not speak for fear they will be ridiculed- The will not risk their personal safety (or whatever) because of their fear. The only question then becomes: are courage and cowardice opposites because the courageous person acts on his convictions regardless of fear, or acts despite fear?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by GQchris View Post
                      When I think about Courage, I think about Love, I think about God's love for Man when he gave it all up and became a Man and suffered and died on the Cross.

                      I am glad you posted this. My own courage level grew when I started reading God's word. This process began 35 yrs ago, when I heard the Gospel and just KNEW this was God talking to me. (Yeah, ME... amazing)
                      You lose fear of man, etc. "Jesus Christ is Lord. Of WHOM shall I be afraid???"

                      Joshua wasn't afraid and he killed 3000 with the jawbone of an ass. Or was that Sampson? I forget. Today, tons of people do things with the jawbone of an ass. I think they call it talking

                      Also I do believe an imagined exp is the same as a real one, to the Psyche. (sounds new age, hang with me a bit) If you are a timid person, or easily buillied... you can imagine yourself taking charge of that situation.

                      Vividly imagine yourself facing the aggressor with no fear or trembling. Mentally 'see' him hit the ground after you land rt cross, left hook. This is a head drill that will re-program the Fear response, over time. What you are doing is making up your mind to beat the bad guy.

                      I did this when I was about 16 and was dealing with a bully much bigger than myself. If you saw us, your money would have gone on him. (Bad bet, though) It worked.

                      "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he"

                      "God has not given us the spirit of Fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind"
                      All through the Bible we are told not to fear. Fear of God is ok if it's a healthy fear. (In awe)

                      Talking about God, and Jesus Christ is an offence to some. You guys just be patient then. This too, will pass


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Little Apple View Post
                        On the subject of courage, I think that it can be analyzed well by first looking at its opposite: Cowardice. What makes a coward? I would say that a coward is someone who is driven by fear. They will not stand for fear their head will be cut off; they will not speak for fear they will be ridiculed- The will not risk their personal safety (or whatever) because of their fear. The only question then becomes: are courage and cowardice opposites because the courageous person acts on his convictions regardless of fear, or acts despite fear?
                        Lots of guys got Purple Hearts when they did heroic things, even though they were scared silly. Acknowledge the fear and then do it anyways. Just know you are acting appropriately ..b.c you can't start over if you knock some perp unconscious when you could have exited hastily


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Tant01 View Post
                          Phui.... SPARE US YOUR RELIGIOUS DOGMA!
                          Hard not to do sometimes. The topic is overcoming or dealing with fear.

                          Forgive me if I seem contentious. This is your show, and we are guests here.
                          Fear of dying is a huge thing. Who is more free than a man who is not afraid of death?

                          Thanks for enduring


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Middleweight View Post
                            I am glad you posted this. My own courage level grew when I started reading God's word. This process began 35 yrs ago, when I heard the Gospel and just KNEW this was God talking to me. (Yeah, ME... amazing)
                            You lose fear of man, etc. "Jesus Christ is Lord. Of WHOM shall I be afraid???"

                            .....All through the Bible we are told not to fear. Fear of God is ok if it's a healthy fear. (In awe)

                            Talking about God, and Jesus Christ is an offence to some. You guys just be patient then. This too, will pass

                            I think Uke pointed out that a BELIEFE SYSTEM is a cornerstone of courage.

                            It seems clear that we all place some value on life, love and freedom. To take a life we need to place more value on our own life than the lives of others.

                            Personally I was taught to eat what I kill and humans are not on the menu.

                            Love thy neighbor? Hmmm... Got a good recipe?

                            Why study a "Martial" art? Why DEVOTE your time and energy and resources to this Roman god of war?

                            Sometimes courage is standing up for what's right. Sometimes courage is the ability to recognize error and turn ourselves around.


                            • #29
                              Hmm it's about a mind set and also the development of one self early ages. It's not come naturally. Many factors affect it. It's rather complicated thing to talk about here. But one's parents play very important role in developing one's self-confidence or courage. Any how, you can still help them to develop a positive mind set by constantly repeatably speaking themselves out loud with "brain wash statements". such as "you are amazing", "you are the strongest man in the world" etc.

