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  • adrenalin

    Hi I have a question,
    Does anyone know how to get access and control the adrenalin dump that we get when we are mad or scared. I know for me when I talk to certain people they can bring that rage out, I don't act on it or anything, but I thought that if one could harness the power from the adrenalin it would be such a valuable tool for bad situations. Many people meditate because they want to calm the mind and remain relaxed, but what if one could remain in control and at the same time have that extra power to use. I've talked to a few psycologists and none of them have an answer to my question. Some have said to create the situation in the mind and condition the mind till you can cause it to happen. Some say spar alot, but sparring can't let one control that adrenalin, it's a situation the causes the action. There have been stories, I'm sure you've all heard, where people get this extra power to lift cars, or fight off big animals. This is the power that I am talking about. If one could instantly get this extra power at will that would be so amazing. I mean punching power would increase, damage taken wouldn't be felt till later when the situation is over, so much could be done in that time.

    Has anyone ever thought of this, or even do it at will. The mind is powerful, but can some things be controlled?

    Thanks for any replies

  • #2
    Originally posted by vt guy
    Hi I have a question,
    Does anyone know how to get access and control the adrenalin dump that we get when we are mad or scared. I know for me when I talk to certain people they can bring that rage out, I don't act on it or anything, but I thought that if one could harness the power from the adrenalin it would be such a valuable tool for bad situations. Many people meditate because they want to calm the mind and remain relaxed, but what if one could remain in control and at the same time have that extra power to use. I've talked to a few psycologists and none of them have an answer to my question. Some have said to create the situation in the mind and condition the mind till you can cause it to happen. Some say spar alot, but sparring can't let one control that adrenalin, it's a situation the causes the action. There have been stories, I'm sure you've all heard, where people get this extra power to lift cars, or fight off big animals. This is the power that I am talking about. If one could instantly get this extra power at will that would be so amazing. I mean punching power would increase, damage taken wouldn't be felt till later when the situation is over, so much could be done in that time.

    Has anyone ever thought of this, or even do it at will. The mind is powerful, but can some things be controlled?

    Thanks for any replies
    I don't really know about this but I think you can try counting either from 1-10 or from 10-1. When I feel scared (for example, I am learning to drive and I am afraid before I ever get into the drivers seat but a few minutes before I do this I try to count from 10-1 and it helps me) I either count or pray to god or else I meditate. Meditating is not really going to work for adrenaline I don't think but the other two might.


    • #3
      Yeah i know what you mean. I useualy have to be in a serious situation to trigger the RAGE. I have no idea how you could build up the ability to call it at will. And that whole build the thing in your mind wont work it takes to much time and thought.


      • #4
        Maybe if you think he is going to hurt/kill you and your family you will get **** off and get into angry. I have heard it's a switch (and you can use this as part of training just don't hurt your training partner) where you turn on the switch and become angry or whatnot to be able to survive the confrontation. Also there is something called indommidol will where you have the frame of mind that if there is 30 guys ready to beat you up, you are going to beat at least ten of them.


        • #5
          Using Adrenaline

          Originally posted by vt guy
          Hi I have a question,
          Does anyone know how to get access and control the adrenalin dump that we get when we are mad or scared. I know for me when I talk to certain people they can bring that rage out, I don't act on it or anything, but I thought that if one could harness the power from the adrenalin it would be such a valuable tool for bad situations. Many people meditate because they want to calm the mind and remain relaxed, but what if one could remain in control and at the same time have that extra power to use. I've talked to a few psycologists and none of them have an answer to my question. Some have said to create the situation in the mind and condition the mind till you can cause it to happen. Some say spar alot, but sparring can't let one control that adrenalin, it's a situation the causes the action. There have been stories, I'm sure you've all heard, where people get this extra power to lift cars, or fight off big animals. This is the power that I am talking about. If one could instantly get this extra power at will that would be so amazing. I mean punching power would increase, damage taken wouldn't be felt till later when the situation is over, so much could be done in that time.

          Has anyone ever thought of this, or even do it at will. The mind is powerful, but can some things be controlled?

          Thanks for any replies
          Learning to harness and use adrenaline to your advantage can be accomplished with specialized drills and simulations training. Also, mental drills can also help. If you are interested in this I would recommend checking out any of the programs that use padded assailant training such as F.A.S.T. Defense, Model Mugging, R.A.W. Power, etc. While fear and adrenal dump cannot be eliminated, it can be harnessed and used to gain a tactical edge.



          • #6
            Originally posted by vt guy
            Hi I have a question,
            Does anyone know how to get access and control the adrenalin dump that we get when we are mad or scared. I know for me when I talk to certain people they can bring that rage out, I don't act on it or anything, but I thought that if one could harness the power from the adrenalin it would be such a valuable tool for bad situations. Many people meditate because they want to calm the mind and remain relaxed, but what if one could remain in control and at the same time have that extra power to use. I've talked to a few psycologists and none of them have an answer to my question. Some have said to create the situation in the mind and condition the mind till you can cause it to happen. Some say spar alot, but sparring can't let one control that adrenalin, it's a situation the causes the action. There have been stories, I'm sure you've all heard, where people get this extra power to lift cars, or fight off big animals. This is the power that I am talking about. If one could instantly get this extra power at will that would be so amazing. I mean punching power would increase, damage taken wouldn't be felt till later when the situation is over, so much could be done in that time.

            Has anyone ever thought of this, or even do it at will. The mind is powerful, but can some things be controlled?

            Thanks for any replies

            Fighting off big animals? Well, mine wern't that big but, all the same, hell broke loose.

            I don't know if this is what your looking for; but if you keep looking, this is what you will find.

            Read all the stuff there, especially the reptile brain the forms(yang ching fu and old yang and 3 circle zen) and see what happens. If nothing happens?...well, sorry dude but if it is a total mind fuk, get ready for the ride of your fukin life cuz you ain't see nothi'n yet


            • #7

              accept you're scared(accepting your emotion's as human) and start focussing on the weakness's of the situation on which to attack. Their attack is your defence. Attack their attack.

              If there is a knife...get out..etc...[use your senses....mannnn]

              Focus. Focus on the fact that you're scared but that awareness is no escape. A decision must be made!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Focus on what that decision should be and you'll make the right one. FULLY INTEND to make that correct decision.

              Just Focus w/ Full Intention.


              • #8
                Trying to control adrenalin and make it come to you is unnatural, and if there's one thing in life that you should learn it is this: DON'T F#CK WITH NATURE. Proper relaxation (as taught by Koichi Tohei, ki-aikido) is a lot stronger than excess adrenalin, and if you can achieve this then the natural amount of adrenalin appropriate to the situation will come to you. Having more adrenalin than needed is a very, very dangerous thing. Oriental philosophy has it that extreme yang leads to extreme yin. Having a lot of adrenalin will afterwards leave you feeling tired and depressed, and this is especially bad when you have much more adrenalin than needed, and a lot goes unused. People who have been the passive recipient of violence or threatened violence have been known to experience depression for years after the events. And trust me, I know. I have experienced the effects of excess adrenalin myself and I now feel really sorry for people who have also experienced it. Please don't become one of those people.
                Respect nature, man and peace a little .

