Hi I have a question,
Does anyone know how to get access and control the adrenalin dump that we get when we are mad or scared. I know for me when I talk to certain people they can bring that rage out, I don't act on it or anything, but I thought that if one could harness the power from the adrenalin it would be such a valuable tool for bad situations. Many people meditate because they want to calm the mind and remain relaxed, but what if one could remain in control and at the same time have that extra power to use. I've talked to a few psycologists and none of them have an answer to my question. Some have said to create the situation in the mind and condition the mind till you can cause it to happen. Some say spar alot, but sparring can't let one control that adrenalin, it's a situation the causes the action. There have been stories, I'm sure you've all heard, where people get this extra power to lift cars, or fight off big animals. This is the power that I am talking about. If one could instantly get this extra power at will that would be so amazing. I mean punching power would increase, damage taken wouldn't be felt till later when the situation is over, so much could be done in that time.
Has anyone ever thought of this, or even do it at will. The mind is powerful, but can some things be controlled?
Thanks for any replies
Does anyone know how to get access and control the adrenalin dump that we get when we are mad or scared. I know for me when I talk to certain people they can bring that rage out, I don't act on it or anything, but I thought that if one could harness the power from the adrenalin it would be such a valuable tool for bad situations. Many people meditate because they want to calm the mind and remain relaxed, but what if one could remain in control and at the same time have that extra power to use. I've talked to a few psycologists and none of them have an answer to my question. Some have said to create the situation in the mind and condition the mind till you can cause it to happen. Some say spar alot, but sparring can't let one control that adrenalin, it's a situation the causes the action. There have been stories, I'm sure you've all heard, where people get this extra power to lift cars, or fight off big animals. This is the power that I am talking about. If one could instantly get this extra power at will that would be so amazing. I mean punching power would increase, damage taken wouldn't be felt till later when the situation is over, so much could be done in that time.
Has anyone ever thought of this, or even do it at will. The mind is powerful, but can some things be controlled?
Thanks for any replies