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Your excersie program, what is it? and here is mine.

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  • Your excersie program, what is it? and here is mine.

    Iam 6'1 with shoes on, so iam 6'0 lol and around the weight of 230 or 235.

    This is what I do for my workouts.

    1. Stretch
    2. Run one 8:34 minute mile. (on treadmill)
    3. Hit heavybag for 25 min or longer depends on what day.
    4. Lift Light weight at all times I never go heavy, I do alot of reps with small weight.
    5.Run another mile, at, 9:00 minute mile (on treadmill)


    1. Run, heavybag 40 mins (30 with heavy glove/ 10 min with light glove).

    ARM WORKOUT: I do 6 sets of 10 breacher curls, 6 sets of 10 dumbbell curls, another 6 sets of 10 with heavier dumbells; Tri: 12 sets of 20 with dumbells.

    Run again.
    1. Run, Heavybag 20 mins (only heavy gloves)

    Chest and shoulder workout:
    Chest: Bench with free weights, usually 4 sets of 10, Then I use the total gym workout for chest.

    Shoulders: 4 sets of 10 with dumbells (this includes front raises and arnolds shoulder workout), and 4 sets of 10 of barbell press.

    1.Same as monday

    1. Same as tuesday

    1. Same as monday

    1. Brake

    1.Same as tuesday

    What is your guys workout.

  • #2

    I'm a small, kinda stocky dude 5'11" with shoes (5'10" barefoot) and weigh 180 (81kg) as of my last full physical. I'm trying to cut weight down to about 168, cause I think I may be up to about 188...

    I workout whenever I have time, which means there is no set schedule but here's what I am doing.

    1. Distance Runs to cut weight and build my stamina
    5 miles in 42 minutes (as of last Saturday), 7 miles in 63 minutes (Tuesday).

    2. Weight Training (Major body parts), whenver time permits

    Bench Press 225 x 8 reps, 245 x 5 reps
    Arm Curls 80 x 8 reps, 100 x 4-5 reps
    Deadlift 315 x 8 reps
    Shrugs 90 (dumbells) x 8 reps
    Pullups 15 reps
    Military Press 135 x 8 reps, 165 x 4 reps
    Leg Press 405 x 10 reps, 500 x 6 reps


    3. Boxing

    Everything from rope work, shadown boxing, drills, focus mitts and sparring (not as often as I'd like, but enough to keep my skills alive).

    4. Swims

    Sprints 100 meters x 6, freestyle
    Sprints 50 meters x 5 butterflye
    steady swim for 500 meters


    • #3
      im 6'0 without shoes i wiegh 138 after wrestling, around 145 normal (thats in lbs)

      1. i wrestle every day
      2. i box tuesday, thursday, and some saturdays
      3. i do loads of pushups and pull ups and dips about 3-4 times a week
      4. i do lots of ab work after boxing

      not as big as i want to be i want to be around 160


      • #4
        I'm pretty nicely sized, 6ft 205 lbs.

        Full workout routine (including squats but excluding any other leg exercises for the most part)
        flyes (I double my back machine to do flyes, works well, hits my pecs a lot, which are particularly weak)
        tricep extensions
        pull down
        military press
        arm lifts (side)

        I usually do these deadlift squat combos---deadlifting up and over my head to the squat..squat x 5 then press with shoulders off my head

        I'm currently switching my b press for an overload schedule of push up due to it being a way my gym looks at your progression in some form or another.

        1.5 hour training session
        2 mile run
        X amount of sit up
        leg work outs


        same workout plan as mon


        see tues

        most of the time I'm lazy any unmotivated on fridays, but if I do get around to it I do a simplified version of my monday workout

        as soon as I wake up (well..more or less, but before I eat anything) I do the uphill full power as long as I can jog back down sprints to burn this fat off (Yeah I care about how I look, sue me) goes as long as I feel like.

        probably do some bag work

        same as sat without bagwork probably


        • #5
          Wow, everyone on here is huge.


          • #6
            exept me, im on my quest to 160 from 140 and im 6,0

            do the math, im slim......... but muscular


            • #7
              Every day except sunday

              10:00-12:22 : Do Hand training with my instructor with pads.
              12:22-1:30 : Do Foot training with my instructor with pads.

              3:30-4:30 : Lift weights*
              4:30-6:30 : Help teach kids classes
              Monday Wed : Tae Kwon Do/Kickboxing 6:30-10:00
              Tues Thurs : Hapkido Kumdo 6:30-9:00
              Friday : Sparring 4:30-8:00

              Decline Bench
              Incline Bench

              Wide Grip Curls
              Bicep Curls

              Military Press
              Tricep Pulldown

              Calf Raise

              Hella Crunches
              Hella Pushups

              Its worked well for me, I'm 5'11 220 pounds, looking to be 210 within a month.


              • #8
                Hm I have BJJ on sundays/tuesdays/thursdays.

                Lifting routine:
                Sunday: Chest/biceps
                declined press, inclined press, inclined dumbell press, bench press, twisted barbell biceps, biceps dumbells.

                Monday: Back/Muscle thats between ur wrist and elbow(dunno its name in english)/Calf( I think thats its name) the muscle thats above ur waist almost.
                Deadlift, T bar 2 grips 4 sets each, pulldown front and back 4 sets each, Calf(I think), Wrist muscle dumbell, then with a twisted barbell, then with a straight bar.

                Tuesday: Shoulders/shrugs/triceps
                Military press, shoulder press upwards with dumbells, side raise, shrugs with twisted barbell, shrugs with dumbells, triceps dumbells, tricep machine.

                Wednesday: Legs/wrists
                I dont know what the muscle is called in english lol I do that one between the rear knee and the heel on a machine, then i do squats, then i i do another squat workout where you push a heavy weight declined, back squat machine, front squat machine, wrist barbell, wrist straight bar, wrist dumbells.

                And everyday I do ab workouts and some cardio here and there. I only take one day break so i start chest/biceps again on friday.


                • #9
                  Exercise Routine

                  This has worked well for me so far.

                  Cardio to me is very important. So I try and do it everyday. If anyone here was on the track team, missing a day of practice can really affect your time.

                  Weightlifting [upper body (mon), midsection (wed), lower half (fri)]
                  a. Exercise Drills [mitts, heavy bag, judo throws, submission drills]
                  b. Conditioning [makiwara board, wooden dummy (at my friends house)]

                  Learning new techniques [Boxing/Wing Chun, Wrestling/Judo, Puroesu]
                  Heavy Sparring [Standup & Ground Fighting]

                  Saturday is my free day as well. I'm also a very busy person with school and work, and the exercises above take up about 2hrs.


                  • #10
                    Me im 5'6 150 lbs right now, trying to stay around this but in the future Im interested in competing at 145 lbs. Actually something like a year ago I was about 5'3 110 lbs so 40 lbs was a big jump in a year and my cardio definitely got a tad worse. However for my weight Im not that strong, probably average or worse but since Im 16 im not gonna worry about it because Im sure I have alot more potential. Right now my program is 2-3 days a week of kickboxing or grappling, sometimes both, and 3 days of weight lifting(mostly compound lifts for strength.)
                    Right now im lifting:
                    Squat 175x5 150ish for 10
                    Deadlift 175x5 155ish for 10(Im gonna try for 180x5 tomorow, probably will get it)
                    Standing Military Press 80x5
                    Bentover Row 110x5, 85ish for 10
                    Shrugs 2 65lb. dumbbells for 15 reps
                    Then some other supplemental work like machine rows, curls every other week or so.
                    Ive also started swimming every other day or so not too intensely, just some light cardio to help get into better shape. And I also am playing goalie for a community indoor soccer team about twice a week(good reflex and psychological training)
                    Hey but does any have any tips for lifting for strength but keeping your weight steady? Im currently just trying to increase the weights I lift by 5 lbs. every other week or so when I feel I can handle the weight fairly good. Im new to alot of the exercises I do, just started squatting and deadlifting this past summer. But do you guys find that your strength increases come slower when you dont allow your body to grow more muscle mass, because that is its normal reaction?
                    Also, does anybody know how exactly your body gets stronger without your muscle fibres increasing in size? Is it mainly your nervous system getting more efficient or what? Do your muscles get more sinewy?


                    • #11
                      I'm 188cm or 6'2 and 77kg or 169,8 pounds This is how I train:
                      Mon: Morning: Yi Quan & taiji 2hours, Evening: Running; Warm up: 2km of relaxed runnig. Interval training: Up a hill (about 250-300m long and pretty steep, half of it stairs) 10times. Cool down 2km of relaxed running.

                      Tue: Morning: swimming 1hour (I suck at swimming, been doing it for only about 2-3months. I manage 1200meters in an hour). Evening: Taiji practise 1,5hours


                      Thu: Morning: Yi Quan & taiji 2hours. Evening: Running: 5km (3,1 miles) steady pace.

                      Fri: Morning: Yi Quan & taiji 2hours. Evening: swimming 1hour

                      Sat:Morning:Yi Quan & taiji 2hours. Evening/afternoon: Running: 8km (4,9 miles) steady pace.

                      Sun:Yi Quan pracrise in the evening 2hours

                      I stretch every night.


                      • #12
                        Wow, I just got the best cardio workout ever this morning, and here it is. Get on the treadmill for 1/4 mile at 2.5 mph (for the warmup), followed by five pushups, 10 situps and 20 air squats. Then repeat it but this time at 5 miles per hour, then 5 again, then at 6, and then 2.5 for a cool down. Oh you don't have to do the calisthenics after the cool down, just stretch--you'll need it! (Of course increase the mph depending on your activity level--this was a hell of a workout for me but might be easy for some people.)


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by treelizard
                          Wow, I just got the best cardio workout ever this morning, and here it is. Get on the treadmill for 1/4 mile at 2.5 mph (for the warmup), followed by five pushups, 10 situps and 20 air squats. Then repeat it but this time at 5 miles per hour, then 5 again, then at 6, and then 2.5 for a cool down. Oh you don't have to do the calisthenics after the cool down, just stretch--you'll need it! (Of course increase the mph depending on your activity level--this was a hell of a workout for me but might be easy for some people.)
                          Going for a pyramid type interval. Cool.

                          At 6 miles per hour, you are running a 10:00 mile.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Tom Yum
                            At 6 miles per hour, you are running a 10:00 mile.
                            Is that a good time? I bet it's probably still pretty slow. I'm pretty short and have a small stride, but I guess that's a bad excuse. Anyways, I love weights and slow long-distance bike rides but cardio is what kills me every time. I figure if I can just do 15 min a day 3-4 days a week for a couple weeks I should be really proud of myself. Then I'll increase speed...


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by treelizard
                              Is that a good time? I bet it's probably still pretty slow. I'm pretty short and have a small stride, but I guess that's a bad excuse. Anyways, I love weights and slow long-distance bike rides but cardio is what kills me every time. I figure if I can just do 15 min a day 3-4 days a week for a couple weeks I should be really proud of myself. Then I'll increase speed...
                              Its not bad.

                              Your enthusiasm and commitment are what's important.

                              I wish I had people in my life who were as motivating as me...

