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Your excersie program, what is it? and here is mine.

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  • #16
    I did my mile in 11:30 today, down from 14:30 a week and a half ago. Rock!! So I'll be doing an 8:30 mile any day now.


    • #17

      Need I say more...

      But seriously,

      I lift five days per week on a 3 sets of 5 reps (3x5) push/pull regiment. For example, last week:

      Day 1: Dead lifts 3x5 (pull)
      Overhead press 3x5 (push)
      Pull-ups 3x5 (pull)
      Front squats 3x5 (push)

      Day 2: Snatches 3x5 (pull)
      Single arm bench press 3x5 (push)
      Bent over rows 3x5 (pull)
      Lunges 3x5 (push)

      Day 3: Clean & press 3x5 (pull & push)
      High pulls 3x5 (pull)
      Overhead squats 3x5 (push)

      Day 4: Kettlebells
      Single leg dead lift 3x5 (pull)
      Overhead press 3x5 (push)
      Renegade rows 3x5 (pull)
      Front squats 3x5 (push)

      Day 5: Kettlebells
      Death by Turkish get-ups

      I teach/train Filipino Martial Arts, Pencak Silat, and Muay Thai three to four nights per week (plus I train in my basement every day).

      The key is to mix it up and keep it fun. Experiment till you find what works for you, and never let it become “routine”.

      Train well…
      Attached Files

