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I train pre-cognitive combat, for free

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  • I train pre-cognitive combat, for free


    My name is Francois Lepine, a Buddhist Bishop, teacher of esoteric techniques. I am starting a training program where i will teach, for FREE, the science of percieving beyond the range of physical senses.

    Results (1 or a few, depending on each person):
    - feeling presence around you, then behind a wall
    - feeling a hit come in before it is even initiated by the oponent
    - enhanced perception
    - enhanced speed, strength, agility
    - various interesting side-effects

    - train 45 minutes each day for 1 year
    - acquire a Buddhist mala (108 wood bead necklace) from anywhere

    Get back to me either thru my website (Kuji-in: Nine Hand Seals), or PM me here. I take 10 serious people. There will not be any fees, alegiance, no other condition than to train.

  • #2
    ..."pre-cognitive"? don't THINK before you do things?


    No shit!


    • #3
      I train special agents in this area (SWAT, police, marine...).
      I worked with universities, and the United-Nations.

      This will help you accept my credibility:

      I am still looking for potential participants.


      • #4
        This guy has been exposed over at e-budo. Here is a link. You might have to be a member to view the thread.

        If you can't read the thread, the short version is that he made a lot of claims, all of the important ones were shown to be pretty much BS. He lives in Quebec and claims to have been a student of someone living in California who is also a whack job. He had a photo of him in an airport lounge with some guys and tried to portray it as them giving him a certificate. He had one certificate signed by someone calling themselves a warrior monk. Etcetera. I could go on and on about all the BS he got called on. Now he is trying to use new stories.

        It is sad that he actually has pulled in some pretty gullible people and taken their money to learn stuff he made up.

        Here is the first post of the thread I linked to.

        Warning to all.
        This individual has been trying to promote his material on various website like E-budo and E-sangha. It appears to me that what he is promoting is purely based on poor training and knowledge of Kuji-Kiri. I checked the content of his book and he does fail lamentably at explaining real basic facts and understanding of mudras before even doing kuji. Even more if some of you have time to waste and listen to his audio files on his website he even says that he will issue PDF diplomas. So without me writing a full thesis on this fake all I have to say is that what you have here is the following.

        #1 someone who claims that he can teach Mikkyo but has no real training or certification in Tendai, Shingon or Shugendo.

        #2 Someone who writes a book and claims he is a teacher and will even issue diplomas for you to teach later on even if he has no real credentials in esoterical Buddhism.

        #3 Someone who avoids to answer to any real question asked about his knowledge (Pure basics in mudras/kuji) you can witness this on the following website

        So to any of you interested in Kuji or Mikkyo please do yourselves a favor and seek the guidance of real teachers. Do not waste your time and money on this fraud.

        His various mumbo jumbo websites


        • #5
          [QUOTE=Darth Roley;332079]It is sad that he actually has pulled in some pretty gullible people and taken their money to learn stuff he made up.

          You know...if I didn't have any integrity left (and this economy is making me desperate) I bet I could piece together a half-assed program, market it, and sell it.

          C'mon people...think of some names for me?
          ***Should I claim to have taught at Universities all over the place (in honesty, I showed some classmates in a gym some clinch work, and held pads for another group of kids at another university, so I wouldn't be lying, per se...)
          ***How about teaching law enforcement officers and training with the military?(I workout on occassion with a pal who was in the marines, and he used to work security at a
          ***Advising the government on National Security Issues (I did write my senators as a concerned voter, as did a few people on this board I hope, about a Homeland Security law that would ban most knifes)
          ***Train with SWAT - somebody in my class when I was younger {*like 15} was a some-time swat guy and firearms instructor.
          ***Train with PRIDE fighters and Muay Thai Champs...some used to train with my old coach, so I was in the same room with them...

          See...I didn't tell a single lie, I just embellished the shit out of everything. I think I'm going to throw up, I feel dirty for even thinking like that.


          • #6
            And don't start spewing words like "precognitive" to somebody with a psychology degree and is currently chasing after an RN. Next time do everyone a favor and look up your catch praze on wikipedia first before trying to peddle it off on people.

            Still, no pity here for the suckers who bought into it. Just shame that I'm part of the same species as both parties.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Darth Roley View Post
              It is sad that he actually has pulled in some pretty gullible people and taken their money to learn stuff he made up.

              You know...if I didn't have any integrity left (and this economy is making me desperate) I bet I could piece together a half-assed program, market it, and sell it.

              C'mon people...think of some names for me?
              ***Should I claim to have taught at Universities all over the place (in honesty, I showed some classmates in a gym some clinch work, and held pads for another group of kids at another university, so I wouldn't be lying, per se...)
              ***How about teaching law enforcement officers and training with the military?(I workout on occassion with a pal who was in the marines, and he used to work security at a
              ***Advising the government on National Security Issues (I did write my senators as a concerned voter, as did a few people on this board I hope, about a Homeland Security law that would ban most knifes)
              ***Train with SWAT - somebody in my class when I was younger {*like 15} was a some-time swat guy and firearms instructor.
              ***Train with PRIDE fighters and Muay Thai Champs...some used to train with my old coach, so I was in the same room with them...

              See...I didn't tell a single lie, I just embellished the shit out of everything. I think I'm going to throw up, I feel dirty for even thinking like that.
              where do I sign?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Garland View Post
                See...I didn't tell a single lie, I just embellished the shit out of everything. I think I'm going to throw up, I feel dirty for even thinking like that.
                Why stop there?

                How about I declare myself a warrior monk and give you a certificate in ancient kuji kiri combat methods? Then you could start your own system of warrior meditation. If someone asks me why I am qualified to teach kuji kiri I will show them your certificate. If someone asks you why you are qualified to teach battle meditation, you can show him mine.


                • #9
                  I'd be intersted in the various interesting side-effects


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Da Pope View Post
                    I'd be intersted in the various interesting side-effects
                    Seriously, I know one guy personally who tried to fool with some of this mental stuff on his own and really messed himself up. I have heard several other stories.

                    That is why this guy has so many people out after him. The potential harm he can do to others because he is unqualified is immense. If he were just doing this to himself, no big deal. But he claims to have been trained, but the story of his training keeps changing. I have seen some of what he is written and even I can tell he is off on some very important bits.


                    • #11
                      a "Buddhist Bishop" ?, 9 hand seals (like a ninja?)

                      this guy is monopolizing off of three big things - 1) the placebo effect, 2) cognitive DISSONANCE (the idea that once somebody buys into something to a certain extent that they tend to defend it or hold it to be true, such as having a strong conviction about something that you've done for awhile and not willing to change your heuristic in light of new information, or admitting to your wife and friends that new tool you bought at Sam's Club was a very overpriced paperweight and not the ultimate hammer, essentially to save face and to save your own ego)
                      3)and lastly, the fact that meditation (ANY) is highly correlated with improved focus and has been linked with a number of other positive benefits on people.

                      What he is selling is NOT legit, and is underhanded...but people could still potentially benefit from it through- false security, confidence, and potentially (big ? here) the benefits of meditation which you can pretty much learn anywhere.

                      If you want real esoteric breathing techniques to improve performace and such...check out kundalini and hatha yoga. Not so...out there...but still, look at the crazy shit Rickson can do with his abdominal muscles with breathing exercises. Plus you can learn how to give yourself a colostomy by swallowing a roll of bandages and literally flossing your GI tract. Ewwww.


                      • #12
                        ken wilber & integral movement, Spiral Dynamics (SD), Neuro-linguistic programming (N

                        Some things I am involved in are ken wilber & integral movement, Spiral Dynamics (SD), Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)

                        Ken Wilber

                        Ken Wilber - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        Integral movement

                        Integral movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        Spiral Dynamics

                        Spiral Dynamics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        Neuro-linguistic programming

                        Neuro-linguistic programming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        Still comes down to the individual and also the quality of the instruction and of course the practice that one puts into such things.

                        Kind Regards

                        Thomas Keplar


                        • #14
                          I can shoot deadly nija mind bullets....

