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  • #16
    uhh........ i am gonna sound dumb here

    i'm gonna sound dumb but how do you meditate? i don't get it either.


    • #17
      i dont think you can tell someone how to meditate. but for me i can usually use this method.

      basically you just get comfortable somewhere. try and clear your head of thoughts (not really possible) and then try to visualise each new thought that comes into your head. give it a quick consideration and then visualise putting it away, like into a box or out a window. anything that works... you keep doing this. for me i realise i have a thought i can visualise like that about once a second initially, and you try to slow this down until you are only having a new thought about ANYTHING once a minute.

      the goal is to have no new thoughts at all. to think but to think about nothing i spose.

      anyway this always sounds horribly cheesy. sorry



      • #18
        "Spirit of the Shadow Warrior" by Stephen K. Hayes will let you know some things about meditational thought. It has training excersises as well. Also, any book that deals with Kundalini Yoga (breathing & chakra use) should help.


        • #19
          aw aw

          i have a nice technique for beginners
          just turn off the lights,,specifically the room must be very very dark
          then just stare in the dark or meditate w/ open eyes for 15-30 mins, it depends on you.


          • #20
            Look up the Shambhala Center and see if there are any in your area. It's a good non-Buddhist meditation center, with instruction, great introductory classes, and the Shambhala path is relatively secular, as opposed to groups like Vipassana which pretend to be secular but really aren't.


            • #21
              do you know anyone who teaches meditation, or has a meditation business...I need email add on the techer if there available....Ty


              • #22
                Where are you located?


                • #23
                  i am a very introspective person, i meditate all the time. i use special herbs to help me meditate even better...
                  Attached Files


                  • #24
                    Read "Turning the Mind into an Ally" by Sakyong Mipham

