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Roundhouse to the body keeps getting blocked with elbow
(Topic in the Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) & BJJ Forum forum)
02-13-2008, 11:45 PM
So what do you do when your home is burgled?
(Topic in the Urban Street Combatives/R.B.M.A. forum)
03-16-2007, 08:51 PM
Style that does not need a lot of room?
(Topic in the Chinese Martial Arts forum)
04-02-2007, 10:19 PM
Suspect: Stabbing was self-defense
(Topic in the Urban Street Combatives/R.B.M.A. forum)
03-26-2007, 05:09 AM
Taekwondo: to old to achive something?
(Topic in the Korean Martial Arts forum)
03-05-2007, 02:12 PM
Tahtib: One Of The World's Oldest Martial Art
(Topic in the Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) & BJJ Forum forum)
05-14-2007, 02:10 AM
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