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Attacked by a Dog-Fight or Run???
(Topic in the Jeet Kune Do Discussion Forum forum)
12-06-2000, 06:20 PM
Best combination of arts.
(Topic in the Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) & BJJ Forum forum)
04-01-2009, 11:48 AM
do you have favorite, or least favorite training tapes? tell us about them..
(Topic in the Jeet Kune Do Discussion Forum forum)
11-23-2000, 09:07 AM
Fifth range of Combat (Projectile Weapons)
(Topic in the Jeet Kune Do Discussion Forum forum)
12-05-2000, 07:21 AM
gunting funtional or not,resisting opponent
(Topic in the Burt Offerings forum)
05-01-2005, 05:24 PM
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