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Tai Chi,good self-defense art or not?
(Topic in the Chinese Martial Arts forum)
05-06-2009, 09:45 PM
Taking Muay Thai and JKD classes at the same time...good or bad idea?
(Topic in the Jeet Kune Do Discussion Forum forum)
08-07-2004, 02:42 AM
WHats ther single most best stretch to achive SPLITS?????
(Topic in the Korean Martial Arts forum)
07-13-2004, 06:01 AM
Which MA's best compliment Western Boxing?
(Topic in the Boxing Discussion Forum forum)
10-14-2009, 02:13 PM
Why do korean martial arts suck so much?
(Topic in the Korean Martial Arts forum)
08-12-2004, 12:40 PM
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