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Reaction Time

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  • Reaction Time

    From doing this test what is your reaction time?

    I got an average of 0.168-Rocketing Rabbit

    do you think it's important to have a fast reaction time to be a good fighter or is it just practise practise practise?

  • #2
    Played it 3 times, third and best time was like 0.187 or something.. rocketing rabbit....


    • #3


      • #4
        0.164 of course thats after a couple of try's. i got a couple of them in the same exact spot to. I think reaction time has alot to do with the braines age. thats why your always stuck behind that old guy driving his carolla 15 miles an hour. boxing would probably be one of the best reaction time trainers. I have gotten punched in the face alot, after so many your reaction time is implanted in your brain. also dodging bullets in new york is a good traing technique that i try not to incorporate with my training.


        • #5
          0.128 and was on my first go, got progressively worse after that lol!


          • #6

            Rocketing Rabbit.


            • #7
              (0.145 best time, 0.165 slowest )

              Drag racers are known for quick reaction times. Think about it. They can win or lose a race at the tree!

              The very best drag racers and the best fighters are both fast off the line. But the WINNER is usually the one who can anticipate the green light and hit it first.


              • #8
                oops, I got like 1.3, caus I got a bliddy penalty and, , I got a sumthin fox after a couple of goes.


                • #9
                  My eyes hurt from looking at the screen...that probably slowed me a bit...0.151 on average.

                  Very best of 0.124.

                  I recall a statistic that it takes the average person 0.1 second to make a go/no-go type decision which is why I think most people could probably do better.

                  Also drag racing they get plenty of warning before they have to take off. For fighters, you might not have the very best of reaction time, but if you can read the other guy's moves better, anticipate, and drill the #### out of your responses, you'll seem faster.

