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Getting turned on while grappling

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  • Getting turned on while grappling

    I'm pretty new to the sport. When grappling with other guys do some of you get turned on?? I do get turned on. I'm not gay or anything but I kind of like this sport.

  • #2


    • #3



      • #4
        I don't think a straight guy should when they grapple another guy. I try not to but it happens when I am grappling with a girl in BJJ class.


        • #5
          I really don't mean it in a gay way. Just the competition, almost like to gladiators batteling it out.


          • #6
            You like movies about Gladiators?


            • #7
              so many little time, you just sound weird.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Michael Wright View Post
                You like movies about Gladiators?

                hmm i dunno i think he may like different kinds of movies.....


                • #9
                  Originally posted by CopPsychDoc View Post
                  I'm pretty new to the sport. When grappling with other guys do some of you get turned on?? I do get turned on. I'm not gay or anything but I kind of like this sport.
                  yeah. you're not gay or anything.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by CopPsychDoc View Post
                    I really don't mean it in a gay way. Just the competition, almost like to gladiators batteling it out.
                    I'm not sure two gladiators battling it out would really say

                    "Tell me, Ulg, are you like, all hot and bothered now?"
                    "Now that you mention it, this death brawling has me all..Woodrow."

                    I think you are renting gladiator movies from a different section than the usual "Drama/Action" area at Blockbuster.


                    • #11
                      i took judo in college, and one time i got paired up with a 5'1, in shape japanese girl that was as good looking as they come. it was great. i just stood there and let her throw me around, and then id lay there as she would crawl all over me. i was too stunned to even really try to do anything all i could do was lay there with a big grin on my face. but i had to cut the session short, as i didnt want everyone in the gym to see my huge boner so i got off(no pun intended) the mat.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                        Bullshit. That story is an absolute fabrication.

                        No one would ever let you into a college, Dick.

                        why not?? i graduated highschool with a 3.0 gpa and 1200 SAT and got accepted to SJSU. my grades werent that bad in school, considering i never tried .


                        • #13


                          • #14
                            Anyone here seen Kenny vs. Spenny? It's possible to get an erection, as any knowledgeable human being knows, from friction, despite the context. Shit...some people even pop up when they're under stress or upset... it's just a physiological reaction that may or may not relate to anything else. My advice to you would be to wear a fucking cup if this is a problem for you.

                            All NORMAL individuals, without shitty wiring...or all homosexuals without self control...should be fine without those...profilactic measures.

                            Dumbstick dumbass.


                            • #15
                              hmm maybe you get turned on coz you think of a similar situation when you were with a girl or maybe your bi-sexual and don't really know it yet. at any rate just concentrate on whats happening without linking whats happening to past memories, you might make other people who are very straight uncomfortable so yeah focus on the training.

