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My Physique Picture

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  • My Physique Picture

    Im 20, and I don't seem to gain much weight no matter how many protein bars or shakes i put down. My efforts to build up the muscle mass have subsided and im now aiming towards the Bruce Lee body frame. just turn every muscle into 'warm marble' and reduce the fat percentage to 0% lol
    Anyhoo thought id post my pic (just only started training a few months ago) and took a pic recently.

  • #2
    Im in the same boat as you.Cant gain muscle bulk and resolved to just being fast rather than strong.Reducing body fat percentage to 0% is dangerous to do though.


    • #3
      u have to have some fat to live. and if u want muscle mass then u need fat for sure


      • #4
        Originally posted by m.artist
        u have to have some fat to live. and if u want muscle mass then u need fat for sure

        Agreed, if you want muscle mass you must eat a balanced diet of a good amount of protien and carbs....carbs use protien to repair muscles to get bigger, but genetics has its say in it as well so for certain people its very hard to attain that muscle mass goal.


        • #5
          Cant gain muscle bulk and resolved to just being fast rather than strong
          bulk and strength have little to do with each other. arnold shwartzenegger might have brute strength but propably be no match for an 80 year old wing chun master.
          once you've realised your body power then you can go onto developing inner power. ie. summoning great phenominal strength like some people manage in life or death situations.


          • #6
            you look pretty ripped anyway. and kinda like a gay pornstar.

            but anyway, try eating 6 meals a day, HIT, less cardio, whey protein instead of soya (nitro tech is a good powder).


            • #7
              if you only started training a few months ago then id say dont give up yet!

              when i started i was doing an average daily workout of something like..

              200 pressups
              150 situps on incline board
              75 pullups
              75 chinups

              and id take one day out in every 4.. that was for the first couple of months, around then it changed to...

              somewhere in the region of 150-175 different pressups (marine/diamond/wide/ normal) with about 8kgs of beans in a backpack on my upper back.
              150 situps on an incline board with 4kgs of beans behind my head.
              similar numbers of pullups/chinups.
              around this time i started going to the gym more and using machines and weights.

              currently i do slightly less than that most days as well as going to the gym about twice a week where i mostly concentrate on weights and machines setup so i can do between 4 and 10 reps in a set.

              all in all ive been going for 6 months, all the while eating plenty of protien and id say from the looks of it my arms are a little better than yours and chest is about the same. obviously thats very subjective and i cant be sure but thats how it looks to me

              real results take time..



              • #8
                thanks guys,...apart from the gay pornstar comment, its the hair isn't it?..


                • #9
                  Don't know if you have tried it, but consume at least 1.3 grams of protein per pound of body weight a day. Also, mix up some whey protein and water (about 20-25 grams) and drink it before you go to bed. This will release more growth hormone into your body.

                  Other thing to help may be to try creatine, and drink a lot of water. Stay away from caffeine as it will act as a diuretic and caffeine can speed up your metabolism.

                  Good luck.


                  • #10
                    that picture was taken about 2 weeks ago and already im seeing a bigger improvement in muscle shaping and development, i'll post another pic soon.
                    Im really starting to like the way my body has taken form and don't think i want anymore muscle mass


                    • #11
                      hey ajay dude i wish i was that ripped! honestly bro i'd kill for a body like that, anyway i was wondering if u could post your workout schedule for the course of a week cos id like to try it out. thnx


                      • #12
                        hard work...thats all I gotta say...if you want to be bruce lee


                        • #13
                          Cheers guys, things are steadily getting better and better, im noticing more definition and bulkness to my abdominals and my muscle tissue seems to be slightly bulking up although im going for the slim look.

                          My workout schedule is pretty basic...
                          Run/sprint 45min daily
                          20 push ups daily
                          eating healthy, lowering carb intake, increasing fluid intake for better metabolism.

                          now, 4 times weekly....
                          abdominal swings/stomach crunches/leg raise crunches/frog crunches/bar twists/..a few more that i don't know what they are called; 20 each of those.
                          sparring with a partner or punch bag for 20min

                          twice weekly....weight programme consiting of various routines

                          one day to rest and pig-out

                          I'll post a new pic soon-ish, and as for looking like Bruce Lee, i can only try my damnest (if thats even a word)


                          • #14
                            so my question is....Do you even have any free time?


                            • #15
                              yeah loads, but my health and appearance is high up on my list

